
Welcome to the HUGIN FunciTree project demonstration of Bayesian networks for diagnosing silvopastoral practices in Mali and Nicaragua.

Mapping stakeholders and ecosystem services of trees in pastures (Mali)

Demonstration model based on a partial interpretation of village level data on stakeholder preferences for multi-functional trees in the Segou region, Mali.

Defining functional groups of tree species according to rural stakeholder perceptions (Mali)

Defining functional groups of tree species according to rural stakeholder perceptions in Central-Mali - ecosystem services example.

Diagnosing adoption of agrosilvopastoral practices using Bayesian networks (Mali)

The example demonstrates the potential of Bayesian networks to complement the analytical toolkit of agricultural extension, Mali.

A Bayesian belief network of the ecosystem services from multifunctional trees in pastures (Nicaragua)

An expert system for the design of ideal livestock pastures using combinations of trees in live fences and on pastures developed using Bayesian belief networks.